Lighting Design Essentials
This book is for those who are interested in learning the design of lighting in a specialized way. We have tried to teach the basic principles of lighting design learning along with the software DIALux, one of the specialized software in this field
Principles of Exterior Lighting Design
In this book, we teach the principles of lighting design in outdoor environments. The first chapter of this book is dedicated to street lighting, and in the following chapters, lighting design methods for buildings, parks and green spaces, tunnels, and sports grounds are highlighted by solving applied examples.
Urban Area Lighting
This book is a translation from a valid book in the field of urban lighting, commissioned by the Tehran City Beauty Organization, in collaboration with the Lighting and Lighting Engineering Society of Iran. The enthusiasts working on urban lighting, as well as the managers of urban aesthetic organizations, can use this book.
Principles of lighting design from the point of view of safety and health
This book is a translation of the Light for Health and Safety book that examines the effect of light on the physical and mental health of humans.
Lighting Engineering: An Intuitive, Fast and Effective Guide
In this book, all the concepts of brightness are summarized in quick succession with illustrated images. The way of writing this book is to put a picture on each page and a text related to this image is placed on top of it.
Aesthetic Knowledge Collection
Three books on light and lighting, lighting of valuable buildings and lighting bridges have been published in the form of a collection of knowledge of beauty.