Evaluation of lighting systems

With years of experience in designing and implementing various lighting and lighting projects, as well as having specialized tools for evaluating and measuring the lighting system, we have the ability to provide consulting services to evaluate existing lighting schemes from different aspects. Some of these areas include:

– Evaluation of lighting system in terms of quality of light for the type of use (printing, textile, dyeing, etc.)

– Evaluation of the lighting system from the perspective of its effects on the physical and mental health of individuals (industrial and production collections, cooperation with HSE units of companies, …)

– Lighting of passages and tunnels

– Evaluation of the lighting of sports grounds based on the latest FIFA guidelines

Analysis of brightness values

One of the specialized tools of this company is a special luminance camera, which can help you achieve brightness at any level and in every application. With this camera, you can measure brightness in important applications such as tunnels, streets, and control rooms. Analysis of brightness values in a city environment by special software from a picture taken by a particular camera.

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