This page provides brief information about the specialized lighting and lighting seminars and workshops held by the company. Contact us if you would like to know the future seminars and send us your e-mail address.
Seminars and workshops

Museum and Gallery lighting by ERCO team
Presenting a specialized seminar on the topic “Lighting galleries and museums“
Time: June 2018
Location: Shirin Gallery
Provider: Mr. Hendrick Schwartz، Kamek Fawaz ، Murray Cameron From CompanyERCO

Iran Lighting Design Conference -ILDC
International Conference on Lighting and Lighting of Iran It is founded and managed by Noorsaform Team. The first international lighting and lighting conference in Iran was held in Shiraz in 1992 and the second round of the conference will be held in Tehran in 1993.
At the first conference, more than 1,200 people were present and speakers from Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria and Turkey presented papers and workshops.

Conference DECO 2011
Presenting a workshop with titles “Architecture and Light, Architecture with Light“In the fourth congress of interior furniture and decorations
Time of the event: October, 90
Location: International Center for Sound and Television
Presenter : Kaveh Ahmadian

Tunnel Lighting Seminar
Presentation of the educational seminar entitled “Lighting of Tunnels” in the conference hall of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development with the assistance of the construction and development company and transport infrastructure of the country, Deputy Minister of Engineering, Mr. Dr. Barkhi
Time of the event: November 90
Venue: Center for Conferences in the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development
Provider: Mr. Marcel Justin, Chairman of the International CIE Committee on Tunnel Lighting Standards

Specialized conference on the use of daylight
Presentation of the article at the specialized conference on the use of daylight, with title”New technologies in the use of daylight” At the site of Iran Energy Productivity Organization in cooperation with the Iranian Society of Lighting and Lighting Engineering
Time of the event: Dec 90
Venue: Conference Hall of Iran Energy Productivity Organization
Provider: Kaveh Ahmadian

Transit Lighting Seminar
Presenting a training seminar entitled “Street Lighting and Energy Saving Techniques” with the cooperation of Qazvin Engineering Organization
Time: November 2009
Location: Conference Center of Road and Transportation Directorate of Qazvin province